Yellow is happiness. Yellow is spontaneous. Yellow is the fresh color of spring. Embrace each word with warmth as you take note of your thoughts, create a to-do list, or doodle while sipping your evening tea.
This bold and beautiful color pad is thoughtfully crafted by Wms&Co. It is made from a heavyweight uncoated stock that’s color-slicked on every page and edged in gold foil. The bold yellow color combined with the gold edge adds a shine and warmth to every table or desk that it rests upon.
We love leaving these notepads in our favorite sitting areas to capture our thoughts, on our desk to keep us motivated throughout the day, or in the kitchen to take note of supplies. The notepad encourages thoughts to flow naturally without the use of screens or tech, the driving purpose behind Wms&Co products.
Wms&Co is, like Darling Spring, built on the idea of good design. They believe in disconnecting and spending time screen-free. Their products encourage you to live slowly and mindfully. To take the time to embrace the simple things in life and discover what brings us joy, meaning, and fulfillment.